Wheeeeeewwww lash barbs it has been A YEAR ; ok?  To say it has been exciting and unpredictable would be an UNDERSTATEMENT to say the least 😂! For some reason while I'm writing this I know all my lash barbs can relate! 


After hitting 6 figures taking lash & makeup clients, and working everyday sometimes 6-7 clients; I began to grow stagnant AND A BIT BORED! Besides being bored and stagnant I was getting burnt out, doing everything myself and taking so many clients daily.

I loved taking clients and I loved offering services but I was no longer challenging myself or stepping out my comfort zone. It was like I hit a brick wall and no matter what I did; I  didn't see my numbers grow ,or couldn't shake the stagnant feeling.  It wasn't until covid when I was FORCED to open the online store in attempts to recoup all the sales lost in the shut down. 

Again to say this was EASY or FUN would be a stretch! However this year in less then a year WE HAVE HIT OVER 6 FIGURES IN SALES; I decided to attach business fundamentals that have PROPELLED MY business faster to hit the goals I want! I also want to remind anyone reading this 6 figures is attainable with consistent work and discipline you WILL attain it , and then you WILL want more, and that is absolutely OK!


Customer Experience

Customer experience in my opinion is THE MOST important aspect of your business! You can be the best artist in the world if you are unprofessional, or not giving your clients the results they want THEY WONT BE BACK! 

Customer Experiences  to consider are:

  • How do you manage and consider your customer feedback?
  • What your wait times are like?
  • How effective you are at professionally communicating with your clients?

Sales & Marketing Plans

Sales & marketing in an online selling business are OBVIOUSLY the bread and butter to any online business. However it is just as important for a business in which caters to a in person client. 

Sales and Marketing Systems to consider are:

  • Your overall promotion/sales plan- Where will you post your content? where are your ideal clients most active?
  • Your overall marketing plan
  • Your social media marketing plan- when do you create content? Are you good at creating  videos or photos?

If you’re not sure the difference: 

A sales plan in a plan to promote a specific product or services.

A marketing plan is about growing your general brand awareness in the marketplace.

They do tie in together however they are not the same thing.

The Brand

Brand systems to consider are:

  • If your logo is consistent- Is your logo recognizable yet simple?
  • Does your website give the message and experience you want it to?
  • If you have a brand style guide for people to follow

Your Team

Team systems to consider are:

  • Team roles- If you are starting small I recommend hiring an assistant, or receptionist, and a CPA
  • Your paperwork compliance
  • How you monitor the key performance indicators- Square and shopify are my go TO for this 


The Operational Systems & Processes

Systems to consider are:

  • How you manage your customers-
  • How you communicate between the team and your clients
  • How you track your sales/jobs
  • How you track all your marketing

Your Business Finances


  • Your sales/cashflow systems- HOW MUCH MONEY ARE YOU PROFITING?
  • Your bookkeeping systems- DO NOT PLAY WITH THE IRS 
  • How you manage your assets
  • Your measuring and reporting and


Your Goals & Planning

  • Defining your why; why are you doing what you’re doing? MONEY cannot be your only motivator 
  • Your WHAT (what do you offer?)
  • Your WHO (who are both your ideal team and ideal customer?)
  • Your WHEN (think launch dates etc)
  • and most importantly Your HOW (how are you going to achieve all these goals?)


GET CLEAR ON EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR BUSINESS. AND REMEMBER having and wanting your business to grow ISN'T enough you have to WORK intentionally and daily to see your business goals flourish! 


FEEL FREE TO inquire with JAZLASH for mentorships, trainings, and technique classes.



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1 comentario

This is great Jaz! I’m so happy that I found you. I’m at a point in my business where I’m stuck not knowing what I’m doing as far as the business part like keeping up with things and maybe I’m over thinking it. Another thing is I’m not getting my client to return and I’m not sure why. How can I collect feedback? As how can I sign up for your mentoring?

Shannon foster

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